Sultan Bahu

Quotes from Persian Books:

None can touch my height; I fly beyond the Pen, the Chair and both the worlds. I am the great falcon soaring in the Divine Grace where poor flies have no place. Kulid al-Tauhid Kalan

I am a perfect faqir; by Allah’s Grace the essence of both the worlds is manifest to me and nothing is hidden from me. Nurul Huda

Bahu is capable of doing everything and is present at every station ….. he is commanded by the Prophet PBUH to guide all, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, fortunate or unfortunate, alive or dead. Risala Ruhi 

An ignorant mystic is the companion of the Devil. Qurb-e-Didar

A gnostic sans knowledge is blind and a scholar without gnosis never finds truth. Knowledge and Faqr are inseparable and complementary to each other. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Knowledge is for guidance and perception of Divine secrets. Amir-ul-Kawnain 

The seeker should first acquire knowledge and then turn to Faqr, otherwise his ignorance will lead him astray. Majalisatun Nabi

Knowledge is always beneficial when combined with practice. Majalisatun Nabi

One who acquires knowledge but does not act upon it is mad while the one who acts upon what he learns is wise. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Knowledge bereft of practice is like a barren lady. Kulid al-Tauhid Kalan

Pious scholars and perfect Faqirs are two leading groups. Those who stick to them never come to grief here or in the hereafter. Kulid al-Tauhid Kalan

A person who indulges in sensual pleasure by means of his knowledge is like a snake. He who adorns his heart and embellishes his spirit is a wise and pious scholar, worthy to be seen. Aql-e-Baidar

The knowledge with faith is the highway and the knowledge without gnosis leads one astray. Aql-e-Baidar

The knowledge that does not divest one of vanity, falsehood, injustice, negligence worldly love is not knowledge. Such knowledge as does not make one conscious of Allah is of no use. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Outward knowledge is like a lamp that illumines a house while inward knowledge is like the sun that lightens the whole world. A Faqir to the world is like the sun to the darkness. Amir-ul-Kawnain 

I have not yet met a scholar who studied for gnosis, vision or nearness to Allah to illumine and awaken the heart. Outward scholars acquire knowledge to make a living and gains. Amir-ul-Kawnain

Scholars learn from worldly teachers while Faqirs receive knowledge direct from Allah. Mahabbat Al-Asrar

Allah protects those who befriend Ulema and Faqirs, against all kinds of calamities. Knowledge is a mine of rubies. Knowledge bestows upon us gnosis, blesses us with Union and removes all hurdles. Allah is sufficient all else is deficient. Amir-ul-Kawnain

A scholar bereft of gnosis is ignorant. Those who spend their lives in study of books are like children who forget everything. When they see the death angel, they cannot recall a single word from what they had learnt previously. Tegh-e-Brehna

May Allah protect a person from an impious scholar, and a mistrusting and impatient faqir! Ain-ul-Faqr

The men of letters are nothing but listeners, while the Faqirs who gain knowledge through the heart’s eyes are men of vision. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Perfect and wise is one who outwardly studies pages and inwardly busies oneself with recollection of Allah. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

The Faqir imparts knowledge to the ignorant in a glance and transforms a scholar into a gnostic. Nur al-Huda Khurd

The end of scholars is the beginning of Faqirs. Kulid-e-Jannat

The study of saintly books blesses one with recollection, will and life of the heart. Kulid al-Tauhid Kalan                  

The path to Allah has nothing to do with outward knowledge or lack of it. This is the way of sheer love and sincerity. Nur al-Huda Khurd

The person not conscious of nearness to Allah is ignorant even if he is the doctor of Islamic law. Aql-e-Baidar

The beginning and the accomplishment of a Faqir is gnosis (marifat), nearness (qurb), and Sense of Presence (huzuri). Aql-e-Baidar

A Faqir is always generous, regularly present with Hadrat Muhammad SAW and annihilated in Allah Most High. Aql-e-Baidar

Knowledge is like gold, silver and coins while Faqr and gnosis are like a sword of steel. What the sword can do, gold and silver cannot. Aql-e-Baidar

The baser self dies and the heart quickens by the study of Allah’s Word. Amir-ul-Kawnain

O pious scholar! Don’t look down upon the Faqir. He is a person of authority by the command of the Supreme Judge. Tawfiq-e-Hidayat

The Faqir who gives up ritual prayer does not have a grain of knowledge even if he shows you all that is high or low, from the moon in the sky to the fish in deep waters. It is but an illusion. Muhkam al-Fuqara 

If the inward is according to the outward, it is right and from Allah, while the inward opposite to the outward is false. Tawfiq-e-Hidayat  

Nobody is more wretched or contemptible than the ignorant. Kulid al-Tauhid Kalan

A Faqir deviating from injunctions of Shariah is the disciple of Devil and the Faqir following the sacred law is one with Allah. The Faqir flouting Shariah is like a mad dog. Though such persons lay claim to Faqr, they are not Faqirs but tramps and dogs…. Inwardly deprived of Allah’s knowledge, they go about begging for the material gain. Nur al-Huda   

A so-called Faqir who acts against Shariah is inwardly false. Unreliable, his claim is untrue and baseless. Nur al-Huda

The path contrary to the sacred law is heretical. Kulid al-Tauhid Kalan

The men of Allah first purify their souls and then keep themselves absorbed in Vision of Presence and knowledge. Thereafter they don’t need anything and effort is not required of them. Amir-ul-Kawnain

Pay respect to the perfect Faqir and the genuine scholar, even if you find their image on the wall. Amir-ul-Kawnain

If you are wise, one word would suffice, but in case you are stupid, stay away imprisoned in your ego. Amir-ul-Kawnain 

The egotist is akin to a fly which cannot approach the falcon. Amir-ul-Kawnain

Steadfastness has precedence over miracle. Muhkam al-Fuqara

The heart full of compassion from love and warm with light is cold to the world and the people of the world. Muhkam al-Fuqara

The man is he who judges his soul in every state. Ego-worshippers are many but Allah-worshippers are few. Allah is sufficient, all else is deficient. Aql-e-Baidar

Those endowed with spiritual presence keep silent and in silence they are in the state of presence…. But the stupid are jubilant and sell away their souls. Aql-e-Baidar

The Faqir is a mine and his words about Allah’s Essence, nature, etc. are the valuable rubies. Aql-e-Baidar  

The Faqir’s anger is a model of Allah’s wrath. The Faqir’s advice solves problems. His attention, sight, sitting and rising are never without wisdom. Nothing that a sage does is without wisdom. Aql-e-Baidar

Compared with the heart, both the worlds are but a particle. Aql-e-Baidar

Though the Faqir seems needy, in fact he has control over Allah’s treasures. Aql-e-Baidar

Salvation lies in adopting the straight path and to refrain from wrong is the means of guidance, and to displease others is a sin. Aql-e-Baidar

If a Faqir aspires to achieve a rank, he is blessed with such a power as he can become a king, the Shadow of Allah (Zill-e-Elahi ). Aql-e-Baidar

Allah’s friends with control over countless Unseen Treasures exercise power over all in the East or the West. Allah’s friend is His reflection. Aql-e-Baidar

The higher in rank the arif (gnostic) the more humble he is. He is sometimes in desire and sometimes in awe. Aql-e-Baidar

The noble, the rich, even the kings are contemptible in the eyes of a contended and independent Faqir because the desire of dominance keep them from Allah’s knowledge. Aql-e-Baidar

By the Grace of Allah, if a Faqir so desires, the king may come out and hasten towards the Faqir barefooted to attend him like a humble slave. Amir al-Kawnain  

The Faqir is the whole while all other saints are parts. Amir al-Kawnain

The gnostic who can impart knowledge through a single glance and bless the disciple with spiritual presence does not require outward knowledge. Amir al-Kawnain

The gnostic Faqir has four qualities: to cover up others’ sins, silence, craft and compassion…. If one lacks these qualities, he cannot be called a Faqir. He is a vagabond…. Amir al-Kawnain

The gnostic who sees other than Allah is an apostate and his ‘gnosis’ too is an apostasy. Amir al-Kawnain

The gnostic invariably keeps focus on the Vision. Other than the Vision is forbidden to him. Amir al-Kawnain

Life and death are the same to the gnostic. Even if they are dead and not visible, they have power over all…. The grave for them is a means of nearness to Allah. They are in the company of Allah and His Prophet SAW. As Faqirs guide and train seekers in life, they are capable of doing so after passing, even better than that in life. Amir al-Kawnain

Allah alone knows the Unseen and grants its special knowledge to the elect. Amir al-Kawnain

If poetry is raw and defective, it earns the poet bad name. But even if the Faqir’s style is unrefined, it is sweet like honey and more precious than gold and silver. Amir al-Kawnain

The station of Faqr is a fathomless ocean; it is the farthest lote-tree, the abode of faithful spirit. Mahabbat al-Asrar

Stupid is the person who has no consideration for the hereafter and the judgment. Muhkam al-Fuqara

Don’t hesitate to pay a visit to a perfect Faqir even if he resides at a great distance. Jami al-Asrar             

There is a touchstone to test everything; the touchstone for knowledge is Faqr. Jami al-Asrar

Allah transforms into alchemy the sight and person of the one whom He likes. Jami al-Asrar

Allah’s friends are first tested through suffering and consider such affliction a blessing. Jami al-Asrar  

Faqr is easy for him who likes it. Faqirs are in fear day and night that they may not lose it (Faqr). Jami al-Asrar

Faqr, which is to attain union with Allah, is not inherited. It does not depend upon being a Syed or a Qureshi; rather it depends upon the attainment of sacred knowledge (irfan). Jami al-Asrar

The faces of Faqirs shine like the full moon reflecting greatness and grandeur while the faces of the worldly people are odious and repulsive. Amir al-Kawnain

On the Resurrection Day Faqirs will go freely, unaccountable and unafraid. Amir al-Kawnain

Faqirs are outwardly firm in the observance of Shariah and inwardly possess the Divine Knowledge. Tawfiq al-Hidayat

A Faqir is rich because of the proximity to Allah and not due to the wealth or belongings. The richness on account of worldly wealth is false. Tawfiq al-Hidayat

The perfect persons remain tongue-tied. The fruit-laden branch bows and puts its head on the ground. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan

The men of love are those who have belief in the Omniscience of Allah and His Apostle SAW and remain lost in their love. Ain al-Faqr

As the worldly people hanker after wealth and riches, Faqirs are anxious to have Allah’s Vision. Ain al-Faqr   

The person who gives up sensual desires is blessed with yearning (shawq) and the one who detaches oneself from riches is a person of taste (zawq). Ain al-Faqr

Some dervishes claim that every habitation and town are established on account of the blessing of Faqirs. Their walking and wandering are not without reason. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

A gnostic never talks with anybody without command of the Lord. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Allah does not look towards the Throne or the Chair, the Tablet or Pen, the image of man or the acts of worship or the jinns or angels, but He looks into the heart of a perfect person. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Faqirs are like the mirror, in whatever form you see a Faqir, you would be facing your own inner reality. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

If a person considers the Faqir without benediction, he will remain unblessed and empty-handed in both the worlds. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan     

A person blessed with light and wisdom need not undergo self-mortification. He is always in the state of divine presence. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

Faqr is a boon that nobody can receive except the friends of Allah, i.e. the prophets and saints. Apart from them if somebody lays claim to Faqr, he is an imposter. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

The pure-hearted enjoy an eternal life. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan.

Only the tongue of that Faqir is Allah’s Sword, who keeps busy with remembrance and thought of the Divine and the recitation of the Quran. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan

The tongue in the mouth of a Faqir is like a sword in the sheath. If that sword is drawn, the Faqir’s anger takes the form of Allah’s wrath which can kill the whole world, given the Faqir’s tongue is Allah’s Sword. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan 

The seeker cannot recognize the guide but the guide can know him. The call may discover the caller and fortune knows the fortunate. Amir al-Kawnain

All the spiritual states mentioned in thousands of books are contained in one hint of the Murshid (spiritual guide). Amir al-Kawnain

The perfect Murshid is a key to every lock. There remains no worry as to opening any lock in his presence. Jami al-Asrar

The faid (bounty) of Murshid is like the rain of Divine Grace or the ray of the sun. Nur al-Huda 

The guide who cannot enable the disciple to realize Allah after initiation is an enemy of Allah. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan

I wonder at the people who have styled themselves as seekers and guides however neither seekers know the reality of quest nor have guides knowledge about the reality of spiritual guidance. Both are stupid and ignorant. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan 

The wise is inclined towards Allah while the unwise towards greed and covetousness. Choose between the two: either get the knowledge of truth or aim at the mundane pursuits. Aql-e-Baidar

Ego-worshippers are many but Allah-worshippers are rare. Aql-e-Baidar

The truth seeker who has regard for the world and worldly people is accursed in both the worlds. He is not a dervish. Mahabbat al-Asrar  

It is easy to be initiated as a disciple but it is quite difficult to give up desires and ambitions. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan

Go out in the quest of some physician of souls that he may restore you to health from the evil disease of hypocrisy. Fadl al-Liqa

O seeker of the truth, if you are a Syed (a descendant of the Holy Prophet PBUH), be qualified with the lofty morals and exalted manners of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Nur al-Huda

Any spiritual station that obstructs a seeker to approach the Creator is a Satan for him. Majalisatun Nabi

Perfect Faqirs live apart, shun company, and retire to jungles. They are always in journey and keep away from people…. They are happy in the company of the Friend. Glad at Allah’s Sight, without it even the beauty of Paradise is thorn in their side. Amir al-Kawnain

The seekers of the world always talk about themselves. Never free from cares till death overpowers them. Mahik al-Faqr Kalan
Dirhams and coins are like worms in the flesh. The disease of conflicting thoughts does not let people relax. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan 

The greatest sin is pride and self-centeredness. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan

Human ego is like a cave in which ego lies like a snake. Kulid al-Tawhid Kalan

The heart is a vast continent where all countries find place. Aql-e-Baidar

Inner recollection, insight and contemplation are granted only to a vigilant soul. Qurb-e-Didar

The prayer of the commoners is customary while the elect face Allah in prostration. Amir al-Kawnain

My dear, you are unaware of yourselves because of stupidity and thoughtlessness. Your spirit is a mine of rubies and you stray aimlessly, bewildered and confounded. Awrang Shahi